Our Promise and Calling
How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
How shall they believe in Him, if they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
How shall they preach, except they are sent?
Romans 10-14-15a
We are called to The Nations as the seed of Abraham and we are commanded to preach the Gospel. The Father is not willing that any should perish. We go as His ambassadors with His Word, in His Name, and in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
We have had our boundaries and our borders greatly expanded since the inception of this Ministry that was entrusted to us. We know that currently our call to The Nations includes: Israel, Africa (Ethiopia [to The Lost Tribes], Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania), China, Japan, Korea, and Argentina, in addition to the United States. We are raising up and training Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers as powerful Leaders to take their positions in these lands for Missions.
All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and know, that I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Mt 28:18b-20)
We are teaching the Church in The Nations about their “Hebraic Roots” and their connection to Israel, past, present, and future, and their Eternal Destiny! We want them to fall in love with the Messiah, His people, and His land, and to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 11; Eph 2)
It is The Father’s Heart that we pray and intercede for His people in the Land and in The Nations. Our first call to go to The Nations is to Israel.
I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Gen 12:3)
Jerusalem is the City of the Great King! (Mt 5:35b)
Our endeavors in ISRAEL and Jerusalem include the support of a shelter in Jerusalem, for battered and abused women, and their children. They bring restoration and hope, helping women to get established to start their lives again, and offering legal aid in their time of desperate need. We have taken them luggage filled with brand new clothes for the children, and we gift them with financial support for the women, and for necessary things like: a new commercial dishwasher, renovations to the property, and a computer. They are always so grateful for our help.
We also support a ministry that brings orphans in from surrounding countries to be raised in Israel; they are taken off the streets and are cared for and loved as family until they are grown and able to care for themselves. They are taught the Word of God and how to please and live for the Father. They too are always blessed by our giving. It is a blessing for us to help them, always.
We have taken clothing and supplies to a storehouse in Jerusalem; taken gift packages to the soldiers in the IDF, and shared our love and support for them and Israel. They are very touched by our caring and support.
We have also visited with Holocaust Survivors in Jerusalem, sharing our love and support for them. They share their hearts with us and we are touched with compassion for them. We have given support through an organization in Jerusalem.
We support an Arab Pastor in Israel with great challenges and hardship surrounded by those that are enemies to the Gospel.
We have been given a vision of the Father’s plans for us in Jerusalem and it is Amazing! The plans are in process and will be put in place in His Timing! Please see the page for ISRAEL.
We are very active in our Missions to Kenya supporting our ten Pastors and eight Congregations. Our giving there is generous and ongoing. Please see the page for KENYA.
Our call to Ethiopia is to support the Ethiopian Jews in Addis Ababa and Gondar as part of The Lost Tribes. We have been given the mandate from the Father to build a Children’s Home there. This is an assignment that we have taken to heart. We are currently saving for the fulfillment of this ongoing project dear to The Father’s Heart and ours! Please see the page for ETHIOPIA.
The Father’s Heart is for the lost; the widow, the orphan, the poor, needy, the oppressed, the sick, the lame, and the blind. He desires above all things that we prosper and be in health, even as our souls prosper. (III Jn 2)
Our heart is for Missions and they are vital and core to our calling and purpose. We hear His Heart’s cry to go where He calls us and to obey His commandment to “go into all the world”.
We are Moving our Tent Pegs and Expanding our Borders!